Saturday, November 3, 2012

Close Friends

There is this thing on the facebooks now that you can add people to called Close Friends. It will notify you when they update their status, etc. I have used it solely as a stalking tool. It makes things very easy - all my stalking needs in one nice bundle, no need to hunt them down one by one.

I'm actually surprised that I have not gone above 3 people on that list. It is probably best I haven't. But I have just now shrunk that number from 3 to 2. I removed D from the list. I need to get over that and having constant daily reminders shoved in my face clearly just isnt going to help it.

So now only #MyFav (I've been thinking about switching this to C, but #MyFav was the original and I like the hashtag.) and Z remain. While I see nothing happening between me and either of these folks, it, for some reason, does not pain me as much to see. I've come to a comfortable place with still being obsessed to a certain degree with #MyFav but not quite as insanely as before. Going months without seeing him in person probably is helping that. Cuz.... SO PRETTY. Also.. did I ever tell you he hugged me after I saw Into The Woods? Yeah, that was a good day. I mean, I've sufficiently scared him forever, so why not keep tabs? Ain't gonna make anything worse.

Z on the other hand is actually still up in the air. It seems to me that the sparks will never ignite with this one, but I have not been SHUT DOWN in the way that I have with #MyFav and D. So... I leave this one for now.

I have tentative plans with this guy I met on Halloween at a bar when I was rather drunk for this weekend some time. We shall see how that goes. If it even goes. And I shall call him Cer because he has the same name as #MyFav but with an er stuck on to the end. Tis a more common name, but my crazy only allows me to see it through this lens. I'm sure I'll keep you posted on how this progresses.

ALSO. Last night I randomly went out to this bar with my roommate and her sister and sang some Karaoke! I sang Somebody to Love which many folks seemed to be impressed with, and then I Can't Fight This Feeling later on once everyone was more drunk and cared much less. It was great fun. But the problem was... I was at a straight bar. This provided jack diddly for me. Someday I will sing at a gay bar and the biddies will want me. I'm sure I'll tell you all about that when it happens too.

Ta ta for now. Have a swell rest of your weekend.

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