Saturday, September 22, 2012


Hello all,

So I'm tired and have to get up early in the morning, but I want to give some of my reactions to the musical Newsies that I just saw.

I cried.

It's not a sad show. But there was a moment of great theatricality that, once again, like so many other things and times before, reaffirmed the knowledge in my mind that I want to do nothing else but this the rest of my life. Then at the end I cried a bit because I was sad that I have such poor dance ability. The dancing in this show is beyond amazing. So in that moment, I decided that I would actually do the thing I've been toying with. I'm going to minor in Dance at NYU.

Overall, I really enjoyed the show. The music is great and the story is good. The set was very cool, though I didn't get the full effect because I had a standing room only ticket and the top half of the stage was not viewable to me unless I ducked down. Not that this is bad, but it felt very classically structured. It was a classical broadway show with a rather simple formula that they just filled in the blanks.

Alright. I'm falling asleep. Maybe I'll write more about this later.

In summary - good show, I can't dance and my life is in shambles.

Love yah,


  1. The last line of this post is GOLD! I laughed out loud, for serious.
