Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Bring Him Home

Well... I scheduled my bus for 1:15 this afternoon anticipating a possible late night last night/slowth of my packing this morning. Neither happened. Now I'm bored. And ready to go home.

But last night was fun because I got to see an advanced screening of Les Miserables with Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.

First: the movie. I really enjoyed it a lot. I thought it was beautifully done. But... I had some complaints. Which is unlike me. Usually I just love love love movie musicals even when everyone else hates them. And my complaints are not great in number or intensity, but they do exist. This is not a negative, but Javert's death is Rough for Theatre I. I thought it was done well, and there's no doubt that he's dead. NONE. My biggest issue was with Hugh Jackman. I actually thought his "I'm acting while singing" thing was a little pushed at times, but just sometimes. Overall, I think he did very well. The one thing that I really disliked was his rendition of Bring Him Home. He freaking belted the whole thing. The WHOLE thing. This is not a song one belts. There is a moment when it builds to a belt, but it certainly should not start or end that way. (And I use the word belt loosely, he was really just singing in full chest voice) So that bothered me a lot. It just in no way felt right. Another thing that bothered me a bit was the occasional throat singing from Eddie Redmayne. It was distracting. The person I think did the most consistent job and got the least recognition thus far is Aaron Tveit. He's just amazeballs in all the ways. ALL the ways.

There is plenty else to talk about, but I don't care to write it all down here. But I'd be happy to discuss.

Second: the company. So... I didn't actually have plans to go to this screening with anyone. I had discussed the fact that I would be there with both my friend Jesse and Z, but didn't make solid plans on like "let's meet there... etc"with either. Jesse texted me shortly before I got there and so I was going to meet him. But... then as I was exiting the subway, The Battery's Down theme was playing on my iPod and so naturally... I was singing along. And apparently Z was just turning the corner when I unashamedly was "belting" the last "Wahh" of the song and startled him. He turned around and saw me and then we walked in together. So then I had this awkward time of talking to him and talking to Jesse with Z being unaware that I was doing so. And basically Z just made me his and assumed I would follow him around wherever he went. And, well, this was true. But I felt bad for sort of leaving Jesse in the dust. I tried to keep him attune to where we got seats and the like, but it ended up not working out. But I also explained to Jesse that Z was an interest so I think he understood. But after the evening unfolded, I feel bad for allowing myself to get swept away by Z. We were talking and it came about that Z had completely forgotten that we went to see Titanic in 3D together this spring. DA FUCK?! And then after the movie he was like "I'm going to the bathroom then I don't know what my plans are. What are you doing?" And I was like... I got no plans. Then there was a pause and then he was like PEACE. And I left. Alone. I decided to be available for connection but not actively pursue it because I have made my feelings perfectly clear, so continuing to force myself on someone who doesn't want me seems a little pointless. So I just decided that if anything were to happen it would be initiated by Z. No big surprise it wasn't. Basically, I'm donezo with that now. I mean, I ain't gonna say no if the situation arrises, but there is just no point in pursuing it any further.

So... there's all that. Probably far more than any of you care about. But it used up some time writing it, so I have less minutes until I go home now.

ALSO: I still have not heard from In The Heights. I am literally going crazy.

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