Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Glee Show

I caught up on the last three episodes of the Glee show today.

Starting off, I loved this show and everything about it. Then I stuck up for it, assuming it was just going through a phase. Now I just flat out can't stand it, but continue to watch because it seems like some sort of child of mine that I have to make sure is still at least alive and continuing to exist.

It had a sister named Smash which has become the favorite child, but I can't give all my attention to her, even though Glee has been acting out lately.

And watching these past three episodes, there were scarce moments when I was proud to call him my child. The rest of the time, I was just embarrassed. The moments I liked were *spoiler alert as if anyone cares* when Kurt sang Being Alive. Thought that was just great. And he didn't use falsetto ONCE during the song. A big step. Then of course in the next episode he was back up floating in the stratosphere for no particular reason. The other moment was when the new Rachel (Oh.. her name is Marley... I only remember because of the joke Sue makes about the movie Marley and Me. That was hilarious) and her mom get a tree and presents and money anonymously from Sue (but then somehow figure it out). It was just sweet.

Otherwise Glee is mostly just a pile of crap. And I wish his sister, Smash more success than him.

Sorry 'bout it.

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