Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Loveliest of all the Ladies


Please know that I love my wonderful friend Beth a great deal. It seems too often that she get's left out of Tweet convos or from being mentioned on my blawg, so I'm trying to make it up to her a little bit here.

Here's a little tidbit of info that I've never told anyone before: (given this happened in March, but still) I have only ever once received a Direct Message on Twitter that made me cry. And it came from Beth. And when I say cry, I mean in a good way. I was irrationally flipping out over this guy and tweeting about my dismay and while I think Amanda (and possibly Lisa) responded publicly to my woes, Beth sent me the sweetest 140 characters ever and I was sitting there at Macbeth rehearsal doing nothing, checking my twitter and her message made me so emotional that I didn't want to look like a blubbering fool, so I had to get up and go to the bathroom to calm myself down.

Beth is a fantasmic mother (though I've yet to see her live in action) and was a brilliant boss while I worked at The Bushnell in Hartford. And now, is really basically the only one I know that is still there. (I think Al, and Mike, and maybe Shane and some others I know are still there, but Beth is my only marketing gal/friend left.) And I love it there so much, both working and seeing shows. It is like the perfect place - you should go.

So, that is what I have to say about Beth. She's amazeballs and I love her. And I'm sorry I don't tweet at her as much as I should.

I'm always on Team Beth.
Honestly and truthfully,
Bryan Austermann

1 comment:

  1. I wish there was a like button. Also.. youre just jealous.
